Friday, July 15, 2011

Hungry, yet?

I have successfully completed two whole days of Weight Watchers, and I haven’t killed anyone, yet.  I also haven’t lost any pounds. I’m ravenously hungry, grumpy, irritable and short-tempered.  I know - with my brain - that losing weight is going to be good for me, will make me feel better in the long run, and hopefully counter-act some health issues that have recently reared their ugly heads.  My heart, on the other hand, which is directly connected to my tummy, is dissatisfied, sad and depressed. And did I mention I’m hungry?

I can see that the WW point system has great potential. It’s exactly like the strict budgeting which I’ve also introduced to my checking account in the last month. (So far so good!) When the points (dollars) are gone, they’re gone. No borrowing against future points, no credit cards to tide you over ‘til next payday.  I can exercise/work overtime to earn extra points if I’m feeling the need to splurge. God, I’m starving!!

How do skinny people do it? How do rich people do it? I think this is one of the hardest things I’ve ever tried to do. It’s all consuming (no pun intended), and distracting and so absurd that I’ve become a slave to my rumbling guts and jingling change purse.  It’s like the old cartoons where the hungry person/dog/lion sees nothing but chicken legs and cheese wedges when he looks at other characters. It’s like the pauper who stares into the shop windows – coveting – drooling… knowing that he can never have his heart’s desire.
This leads me to ask, once I reach my weight loss/debt free goals, will it truly have made me healthier, stronger and happier?  Is this misery worth it? Am I battling the many headed hydra, whose chopped-off heads will grow back three fold?  In other words, am I just making matters worse by trying so hard to make them better? 
Wish me luck, strong will-power, and a points free Reece's Cup real soon.  I'll let you know when I finally zip the back of that little black dress!

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