Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm not just getting fat....

So being knocked up at 40 is a bit intimidating.  We had hoped it would happen a couple years ago because 37 or 38 seems a lot younger than 40, but there it is.  It didn’t happen then and I really had gotten used to the thought that it wouldn’t.  I was sort of planning a ski trip this winter (well, they can ski, I’d shop, sightsee and drink hot cocoa), and toying with a scuba diving excursion this fall or early spring.  Those plans have gone right out the window, right along with our sanity. 

My boys are 16 and 12 respectively, and that’s a long time in between siblings, not to mention a long time since I changed a diaper, had to get up every couple of hours to nurse a baby, deal with bottles, diaper bags, teething rings, belly gas, spit up, stepping on toys and all that jazz.  Derek’s never done it, so we’re both in for a bit of a shocker.  The kids’ reactions were priceless.  I got a, “holy shit, mom….oh, uh, sorry…wow” from my 12 year old, Nigel, followed by an incoherent “uhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhh, hmmmmmmmm, uh, that’s great, Mom” from my 16 year old son, Jacob.  Nigel then told me he would teach him how to skateboard “really good.”  When pointed out his brother might actually be a sister, he said he’d teach her anyway and he was happy about it.  He was all grins as he was sheepishly and tenderly handling the ultrasound pictures.

The ultrasound we had on Tuesday really made this pregnancy real for us.  A picture is worth a thousand words, especially a moving picture showing a strong heartbeat, arms and legs and hands and feet, tiny little eyes and a great big head.  An ultrasound really is a miracle of science.  I kind of half believed this was true until I saw that little baby in making with my own two eyes.  It’s still amazing at 40. I’m glad I’m not that jaded, yet.

Everything is looking great. So far, so good!  I’m 13 weeks along and Baby Conrad, whom we have dubbed “the pickle”, will make his or her appearance sometime around April 6, 2012. I haven’t had any morning sickness; only some slight 4pm nausea, and I’m tired and draggy, but otherwise I feel fine.  I miss wine and sushi. My Weight Watchers/dieting is on hold for now, so don't think I'm just getting fat. I'm getting fat for a reason!




  1. You crack me up...don't be intimidated!! You be a mommy pro!! Derek is in for a shock. If Trent can handle it...Derek will be fine-that sweet baby will melt his heart & be wrapped around his finger in not time. So glad you are keeping this blog. This will be fun to look back on!! Bets advice...SLEEP starting now whenever you can...doesn't naps add up!! Congrats again. If you need anything just let me know. Stephanie

  2. Um, excuse me. I think you forgot to call me and tell me something very important. And Derek is in super big trouble for not calling Brad! As far as I know Brad has no clue yet. Anyway, I had a little feeling when you showed up at the last couple of get togethers only drinking sprite because you had an upset tummy! I thought it was a little strange the second time I saw you and you were drinking sprite again. However, needless to say, I was still shocked when I heard the wonderful news!!! Yes, and no skiing for you. I am so sorry Kaite, I know you are deeply disappointed because you love skiing so much! I went on a ski trip when I was six months pregnant with Lyndsay and still had fun hanging out, so there is still hope for some winter time fun. Well, anyway, I will call you soon for an official Congratulations!!!!! Even though things are going to change around the house in a major way; I know for sure when that baby is born Derek will be grinning from ear to ear! He will have his own little Wingnut to call his own.

